- Theoretical implications from the case of performance-based human resource management practice in Japan: Management fashion, institutionalization and strategic human resource management perspectives. Manuscript under preparation.
- 成果主義の歴史的検討・新制度派組織論アプローチ(内容分析)
- Strategic human resource management research in the Japanese context: Unique opportunities for theory advancement (with N. Takeuchi, T. Takeuchi)(Prospected book chapter).
- The role of past and current performance in strategic HRM: A new model and empirical test in Japan. (with N. Takeuchi and T. Takeuchi).
- 企業サーベイ(予定)
- ジョブ・クラフティング
- アルバイト行動とキャリア志向
- キャリアにおける意思決定の鎖モデル
- Experimental study (with Y. Yanadori)
- 展望論文
- Self-esteem and justice orientation as moderators for individual-level and group-level justice effects (with Y. Hayashi). Manuscript under preparation.
- 公正な人材マネジメントの諸条件―制度設計論を超えて(林洋一郎との共著)
- Executive staffing practice patterns in foreign MNC affiliates based in Japan. Asian Business & Management, 7, 381-402. 2008 (with R. Bebenroth & D. Li).
- Nationality background of MNC affiliates' Top management and affiliate performance in Japan: Knowledge-based and upper echelons perspectives (with R. Bebenroth and D. Li) Under review.
- 中国におけるHRM
- リテンション研究の展望論文
- The role of job embeddedness on employee performance: The interactive effects with leader-member exchange and organization-based self-esteem. Personnel Psychology, 61, 761-792, 2008 (with J. Burton & C. Sablynski).
- How do hiring decision makers combine fit information? The effects of duration of contracts and task elements in opening positions. Manuscript under preparation.
- A contingency perspective of the importance of PJ fit and PO fit in employee selection . Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22, 118-131, 2007.
- Linking justice, performance and citizenship via leader-member exchange (with J. Burton & C. Sablynski). Journal of Business and Psychology, 23, 51-61, 2008.
- 感情のマネジメント、感情労働(予定)
- International perspectives on the legal environment for selection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 1, 206-246, 2008 (with authors from 21 countries).
- Broadening international perspectives on the legal environment for personnel selection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1, 266-270: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 2, 2008 (with authors from 21 countries).
- 採用面接の研究(予定)
- エグゼクティブ報酬(予定)
- トップマネジメントの意思決定(予定)