




  • 梅田コンソーシアム・インテリジェントアレー専門セミナー講師(2004)
  • 朝日放送環境影響調査協力(2004-2006)
  • 大阪府離職者再就職訓練事業実践マネジメント科講師(2004-2007)
  • 大阪府立女性総合センター情報活用講座講師(2005-2006)
  • 河合塾経営セミナー(大阪校、京都校)(2004)
  • PHP総合研究所「新しい企業統治研究会」委員(2005-2006)
  • 日本能率協会人事・人材育成担当者フォーラム「夢工房」講師(2005)
  • 働く女性のための『自分探し』セミナー・コーディネータ(大阪経済大学北浜キャンパス)(2006)
  • 関西生産性本部・経営コンサルタント養成講座講師(2006-2007)
  • 関西生産性本部・KPCマネジメントスクール講師(2007-2014)
  • 日本経営協会関西本部企業変革グループ・セミナー講師(2009)
  • 日本経営協会グッド・コミュニケーション・カンパニー・研究サロン講師(2010)
  • 合同会社フロンティアアライアンス・ものづくりリエゾンオフィス企業研修講師(2010)
  • 財団法人日本林業経営者協会・戦略的森林ビジネスセミナー講師(2006-2007)
  • あずさ監査法人社内研修講師(2009)
  • 香川県看護協会研修講師(2011)
  • 名古屋税理士会岐阜北支部研修講師(2012)
  • 埼玉県看護協会サードレベル研修講師(2012-present)
  • 長尾会計事務所経営者セミナー講師(2013)
  • マツイカガク株式会社非常勤顧問(2017-present)
  • 宮崎県立看護大学サードレベル研修講師(2017-present)
  • 株式会社MJEセミナー講師(2017)
  • 株式会社ニューエア次世代リーダー育成プロジェクトR3講師(2018)
  • 日本公認会計士協会研究大会パネリスト、近畿会研修会講師(2019-2020)
  • 一般財団法人海外産業人材育成協会(AOTS)研修講師(2020-present)
  • 京都大学エグゼクティブ・ビジネスプログラム講師(2021-present)
  • 関西生産性本部総務政策副委員長(2021-present)
  • アルー株式会社研修講師(2022)
  • Work Act Quest ~働き方探求プログラム講師(2022)
  • 京都イノベーションDNA探求プログラム講師(2022-present)
  • 独立行政法人産業経済研究所「日本企業の持続的な成長を目指した事業ポートフォリオ変革シリーズ」パネリスト(2022-2023)
  • 株式会社ウエダ本社 ワーククロス研修講師(2023)
  • 京都大学女性エグゼクティブ・リーダー育成プログラム講師(2023-present)


  • 組織における人間行動の理解と人的資源管理への応用
  • 経営における「ヒト」に関するトピックス
  • 組織行動論(Organizational Behavior)
  • 人的資源管理論(Human Resource Management)
  • 経営戦略論
  • 方法論
  • 国際・異文化マネジメント


  • Academy of Management
  • Asia Academy of Management
  • American Psychological Association
  • Academy of International Business
  • Association of Japanese Business Studies
  • Euro-Asia Management Studies Association
  • International Association of Applied Psychology
  • Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • 産業・組織心理学会
  • 経営行動科学学会
  • 日本行動計量学会


  1. Expatriates’ boundary-spanning: Double-edged effects in multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies (Accepted for publication) (with T. Liu, J. Qin, & Y. Shen).
  2. Planned happenstance and entrepreneurship development: The case of Japanese undergraduate students. Administrative Sciences (Accepted for publication) (with M. Hosomi & S. Khalid).
  3. Political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior: the mediating role of trust in fellow citizens and the moderating role of economic inequality. Political Psychology, 2024 (with L. Monzani, K. Bibic, A. Haslam et al.)
  4. The ecological approach to construct entrepreneurship education: A systematic literature review. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 15(6), 1333-1353, 2023 (with J. Lin, J. Qin, T. Lyons, H. Nakajima, S. Kawakatsu).
  5. Cognitive flexibility and business model innovation: mediating roles of active search and bricolage. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2023 (with S. Lyu, W. Zhao, & J. Lin).
  6. The role of entrepreneurs’ empathy in new venture performance: The mediating effects of entrepreneurial orientation. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 13(4), 1113–1137, 2023 (with W. Zhao & S. Lyu).
  7. The interaction of the five-factor personality traits and job embeddedness in explaining voluntary turnover: A necessary-condition perspective. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(5), 688-701, 2023 (with V. Peltokorpi).
  8. Applications of agent-based modeling and simulation in organization management: A quarter-century review by bibliometric mapping: 1998–2022. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 2023 (with JY Wu, & T. Ohya).
  9. Different feathers embedding together: Integrating diversity and organizational embeddedness. Journal of Management Studies, 2023 (with D. Ghosh & J. Gonzalez).
  10. Understanding organizational performance in dynamic environments: An integrative framework of activity-system maps and the NK model. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 22(2), 239-256, 2023 (with J. Wu).
  11. Act or wait-and-see? Adversity, agility, and entrepreneur wellbeing across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47 (3), 682-723, 2023 (with U. Stephan, P. Zbierowski et al.).
  12. Challenges women experience in leadership careers: An integrative review. Merits, 3(2), 366-389, 2023 (with E. Galsanjigmed).
  13. Planning and evaluating youth entrepreneurship education programs in schools: A systematic literature review. Entrepreneurship Education, 6, 25-44, 2023 (with J. Lin, J. Qin, T., Lyons).
  14. Approaching or avoiding? Mechanisms of host country language proficiency in affecting virtual work adaptivity during COVID-19. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Accepted for Publication, 2023 (with T. Liu, S. Zhao, & Y. Shen, Y)
  15. Internship experience and organizational attractiveness: A realistic job fit perspective. Journal of Career Development, 50(2), 353-371, 2023 (with Y. Mitate & Y. Yang).
  16. Narrowing the communication gap in internationally distributed teams: The case of software development teams in Sri Lanka and Japan. Asian Business & Management, 22, 354–378, 2023 (with A. Ebisuya & G. P. Hettiararchchi).
  17. Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and innovative behavior. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 72(1), 348-388, 2023 (with E. Bracht, L. Monzani, et al.).
  18. Formation mechanism of pro-organizational rule-breaking behavior from the perspective of digitalization transformation. World, 1(1), 34-40, 2022 (with B. He, W. Hu & N. Zhao).
  19. Computational modeling of the value co-creation process in customer service: An application of the NK model. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 (with X. Li, J. Wu, & Y. Qiongwei).
  20. An exploratory study of women’s work values in the Chinese context: A grounded-theory approach. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 16(6), 943-962, 2022 (with Z. Zhang & J. Li).
  21. What do we know about the internationalization of Asian business groups? A systematic review and future research agenda. Asian Business & Management, 21, 802–830, 2022 (with J. Y. Lee, A. M. Colpan, & Y. S. Ryu).
  22. Identity leadership, employee burnout, and the mediating role of team identification: Evidence from the global identity leadership development project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 12081, 2021 (with R. van Dick, Cordes, B. L. et al.)
  23. One way or another? An international comparison of expatriate performance management in multinational companies. Human Resource Management, 60(5), 737-752, 2021 (with B. Bader, K. Bader, & F. Froese).
  24. Expatriate justice and host country nationals’ work outcomes: Does host country nationals’ language proficiency matter? Journal of International Management, 27(1), 100821, 2021 (with V. Peltokorpi & S. Yamao).
  25. Liability of Asianness? Global talent management challenges of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean multinationals. Human Resource Management Review, 30(4), 100776, 2020 (with F. J. Froese, J. Shen & S. Davies).
  26. Internship experience and organizational attractiveness: Does realistic job fit matter? Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 1-6, 2020 (with Y. Mitate and Y. Yang).
  27. Psychological detachment: a creativity perspective on the link between intrinsic motivation and employee engagement. Personnel Review, 49(9), 1789-1804, 2020 (with D. Ghosh & Y. Fujimoto).
  28. When and why skill variety influences employee job crafting: Regulatory focus and social exchange perspectives. Employee Relations, 42 (3), 662-680, 2020. (with J. Li & J. Qi).
  29. Attractiveness of Japanese firms to international job applicants: The effects of belongingness, uniqueness, and employment patterns. Asian Business & Management, 19 (1), 118–144, 2020 (with L, Huang and Y. Yang).
  30. A multilevel and dynamic model of intragroup conflict and decision making: Application of agent-based modeling. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 13: 22, 1-26, 2020 (with JY Wu).
  31. How inpatriates internalize corporate values at headquarters: The role of developmental job assignments and psychosocial mentoring. Management International Review, 59(5), 825-853, 2019 (with N. Takeuchi, T. Takeuchi, S. Nakamura & A. Ebisuya).
  32. Outcomes of bridging roles in MNCs and moderating influence of cultural identity integration. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2019 (CEIBS Best Paper Award Finalist, Academy of Management International Management Division, August 2019) (with T. Liu & A. Ebisuya).
  33. How supervisors respond to employee voice: An experimental study in China and Japan. Asian Business & Management, 20(1), 1-31 (with Y. Yang & J. Li).
  34. The mediating effect of glass ceiling beliefs in the relationship between women's personality traits and their subjective career success. NTU Management Review, 29 (3): 825-853, 2019 (with S. Khalid).
  35. How does the use of a foreign language affect team processes and member stress and satisfaction? Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 31(1-2), 33-55., 2019 (with T. Liu).
  36. Identity leadership going global: Validation of the identity leadership inventory (ILI) across 20 countries. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91, 697-728, 2018 (with R. van Dick et al.)
  37. Foreign language proficiency as an asset for Japanese graduates. IAFOR Journal of Education, 6, 103-120, 2017 (with R. Selke, A. Moehle, A. Elsharqawy, & P. Streich).
  38. The role of empathy in entrepreneurial opportunity recognition: An experimental study in Japan and Pakistan. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 9, 1-9, 2018 (with S. Khalid).
  39. Predicting job crafting from the socially embedded perspective: The interactive effect of job autonomy, social skill, and employee status. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 53, 470-497, 2017 (with J. Li & M. Hosomi).
  40. Human resource management practices of Japanese companies in India: Dealing with the transfer–adaptation dichotomy. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 11, 323-341, 2017 (with M. P. Maharjan).
  41. Organizational embeddedness as a mediator between justice and in-role performance. Journal of Business Research, 75, 130-137, 2017 (with D. Ghosh & L. Gurunathan).
  42. Target firm employee perceptions of procedural and interpersonal justice. Human Systems Management, 35, 165-173, 2016 (with R. Bebenroth & M. Ismail).
  43. 日本企業海外子会社における人的資源管理の実証研究 『国際ビジネス研究』 8 (1), 89-105, 2016(牧美喜男と共著)(An empirical investigation of human resource management in Japanese foreign subsidiaries. Journal of International Business, 8 (1), 89-105, 2016 (with M. Maki).
  44. Human resource management of Japanese companies in Hungary: How do Japanese and the Hungarian styles blend? Journal of East-West Business, 22, 145-167, 2016 (with T. V. Grill & M. P. Maharjan).
  45. The effect of mobile technology usage on work engagement and emotional exhaustion in Japan. Journal of Business Research, 69, 3315–3323, 2016 (with Y. Fujimoto, A. Ferdous, & L. Sugianto).
  46. The influence and effectiveness of US-style and Japanese-style HR practices on Indian firms: A conceptual perspective. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 3, 58-74, 2016 (with M. P. Maharjan).
  47. Human resource management practices at foreign-affiliated companies in least-developed regions: US and Japanese companies in Nepal. Asian Business & Management, 15, 137-164, 2016 (with M. P. Maharjan).
  48. 日本企業本社における人事国際化の現状と課題 『多国籍企業研究』8, 93-113, 2015(牧美喜男・戎谷梓と共著)(The internationalization of human resource practices in Japanese headquarters, Multinational Enterprises, 8, 93-113, 2015 (with M. Maki & A. Ebisuya)
  49. 企業内人材の事業創造効力感を高める行動特性 『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 63(1)180-193, 2015 (Behavioral characteristics of employees leading to a high level of self-efficacy for business creation. Hitotsubashi Business Review, 63 (1), 180-193, 2015).
  50. Employee commitment to corporate globalization: The role of English language proficiency and human resource practices. Journal of World Business, 50, 168-179, 2015 (with S. Yamao). JCR 5-Year IF = 3.330 (2012)
  51. 人事部門による変革型リーダーシップの効果 『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 62(1), 162-176, 2014 (The effect of transformational leadership by human resource department. Hitotsubashi Business Review, 62(1), 162-176, 2015).
  52. The use of social network sites in the workplace: A case study in Brazilian companies. Brazilian Business Review, 11(2), 87-114, 2014 (with M. H. Yokoyama).
  53. Influence of family domain on employee creativity in Japan: Role of family-to-work facilitation and work environment. The Japan Social Innovation Journal, 4, 34-43, 2014 (with M. Hosomi).
  54. Self-esteem and justice orientation as moderators for the effects of individual-targeted and group-targeted justice. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 63, 238-266, 2014 (with Y. Hayashi). JCR 5-Year IF = 3.024 (2011)
  55. 職場の同僚に着目したワーク・ライフ・バランス支援制度の利用促進に関連する要因の検討―地方自治体における実証分析 『日本労働研究雑誌』, 634, 92-105, 2013(細見正樹と共著) (Factors relating to the use of work-life balance programs from the coworkers' perspective: An empirical study in a local government. The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, 634, 92-105, 2013.) (with M. Hosomi)
  56. Theoretical implications from the case of performance-based human resource management practices in Japan: Management fashion, institutionalization and strategic human resource management perspectives. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24, 471-486, 2013. JCR 5-Year IF = 1.646 (2011)
  57. 大学生のアルバイト選択とコミットメントおよび就職活動目標―中核的自己評価と職務特性の役割を中心に 『経営行動科学』 25, 129-140, 2012 (The relationship between college students' choice of part-time work, commitment, and job-search goal setting: The role of core-self evaluation and job characteristics. The Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 25, 129-140, 2012).
  58. Organizational identity change of the target firm after a cross-border acquisition. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 1-6, 2012. doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2012.108 (Academy of Management International Management Division Fundação Dom Cabral Best Paper in Strategy/IB Theory Finalist and Skolkovo Best Paper Finalist) (with R. Bebenroth).
  59. The use of person-organization fit and person-job fit information in making selection decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 116, 203-216, 2011. (JAAS Award for Research Excellence, The Japanese Association of Administrative Science) (経営行動科学学会賞優秀研究賞受賞論文)(with V. Huber). JCR 5-Year IF = 3.944 (2011)
  60. Factors affecting the change of top executive nationality in MNCs' foreign affiliates in Japan. Zeitschrift fuer Betriebswirtschaft(Journal of Business Economics), 81, 27-48, 2011 (with S. Yamao).
  61. Nationality background of MNC affiliates' top management and affiliate performance in Japan: Knowledge-based and upper echelons perspectives. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22, 999-1016, 2011 (with R. Bebenroth & D. Li). JCR 5-Year IF = 1.646 (2011)
  62. 若年者向けキャリア・カウンセリングの特徴と課題 ―若年向け就職支援施設Aにおける事例分析― 『経営行動科学』 23, 123-141, 2010(大里大助との共著)(経営行動科学学会奨励研究賞受賞論文)(The characteristics of career counseling for young adults: The case of a public employment service agency for young adults. The Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 23, 123-141, 2010)(with D. Osato)(Winner of the Encouragement Award from the Japanese Association of Administrative Science).
  63. 大学生のアルバイト経験とキャリア形成 『日本労働研究雑誌』 602, 67-85, 2010(第12回労働関係論文優秀賞候補論文)(The relationship between part-time work experience and career development of college students. The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies, 602, 67-85, 2010) (The 12th Excellent Article on Labor Relations Award finalist).
  64. Nationality background of MNC affiliates' top management and affiliate performance in Japan. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 1-6, 2009. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2009.44243976 (with R. Bebenroth & D. Li).
  65. 組織的公正研究の発展とフェア・マネジメント『経営行動科学』 22, 1-12, 2009 (林洋一郎との共著)(Advances in organizational justice research and implications for fair management.(In Japanese with English abstract). The Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 22, 1-12, 2009).
  66. The role of job embeddedness on employee performance: The interactive effects with leader-member exchange and organization-based self-esteem. Personnel Psychology, 61, 761-792, 2008 (with J. Burton & C. Sablynski). JCR 5-Year IF = 6.068 (2011)
  67. Executive staffing practice patterns in foreign MNC affiliates based in Japan. Asian Business & Management, 7, 381-402. 2008 (with R. Bebenroth & D. Li). JCR IF = 1.333 (2012)
  68. International perspectives on the legal environment for selection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1, 206-246, 2008 (with authors from 21 countries). JCR 5-Year IF = 1.081 (2011)
  69. Linking justice, performance and citizenship via leader-member exchange. Journal of Business and Psychology, 23, 51-61, 2008 (with J. Burton & C. Sablynski). JCR 5-Year IF = 1.316 (2011)
  70. A contingency perspective of the importance of PJ fit and PO fit in employee selection . Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22, 118-131, 2007. JCR IF = 2.150 (2010)
  71. Collective justice perceptions in group-oriented cultures: Proposal of a new construct. The Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 19, 207-219, 2006(with Yoichiro Hayashi)(Winner of the Encouragement Award from the Japanese Association of Administrative Science)(経営行動科学学会奨励研究賞受賞論文).
  72. How organizations promote person-environment fit: Using the case of Japanese firms to illustrate institutional and cultural influences. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23, 47-69, 2006. JCR IF = 3.062 (2011)
  73. 流れ概念の実践への有効性の理解 ― コンセプチュアル・アナリシス 『経営行動科学』 第18巻2 号 pp. 75-88. 2005年 (The usefulness of the flow construct in management practice: A conceptual analysis (In Japanese with English abstract). The Japanese Journal of Administrative Science.18, 75-88.)
  74. The role of different types of person-organization fit in Japanese recruiters' judgments of applicant qualifications: An experimental policy-capturing investigation. Japanese Association of Industrial/Organizational Psychology Journal, 17 (2), 51-63. 2004
  75. 職務パフォーマンス理論の展開 ― わが国への適用可能性 『日本労働研究雑誌』 515 pp. 55-66. 2003年 (Research on job performance: Implications for human resource management in Japan (In Japanese with English abstract). The Japanese Journal of Labor Studies, 515, 55-66.)
  76. 流れと関わる行動の定性的研究とモデルの構築『経営行動科学』 第15巻3号pp. 179-188. 2002年 (How do people cope with the flow of phenomena? A qualitative study and model development (In Japanese with English abstract). The Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 15, 179-188.)
  77. 関係性重視の人的資源管理に向けた理論的考察 『ビジネス・インサイト』 第9巻3号 pp. 86-98. 2001年 (Toward a model of relationship-oriented human resource management (In Japanese). Business Insight, 9 (3), 86-98.)
  1. 日本企業の海外子会社における言語選択 一橋ビジネスレビュー 69(1), 32-42, 2021 (金熙珍・板垣博との共著)
  2. Bridge individuals in multinational organizations. Australasian Journal of Organisational Psychology, 9, 1-4, 2016.
  3. International human resource management of Japanese multinational corporations: Challenges and future directions. Asian Business & Management, 15, 83-109, 2016 (with F. J. Froese, & Iguchi, C.).
  4. グローバル化する日本企業における外国人包摂問題 大阪大学経済学 64(2), 287-302, 2014. (Social inclusion of foreign employees in globalizing Japanese firms. Osaka Economic Papers, 64(2), 287-302, 2014.(牧美喜男・戎谷梓との共著)
  5. Management fashions and human resource management. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 6, 2-16, 2014.
  6. Part-time work experience of university students and their career development. Japan Labor Review, 9 (3), 5-29, 2012.
  7. Broadening international perspectives on the legal environment for personnel selection. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1, 266-270, 2008 (with authors from 21 countries).
  8. Professionals in organizations: Implications from academic literature. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 56 (6), 143-151, 2006.
  9. ポリシー・キャプチャリング方法論とは何か -- 組織行動・人的資源管理研究への適用に向けて 大阪経大論集 56 (5), 93-106 2006. (Policy-capturing methodology: Toward its applications to organizational behavior and human resource management. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 56 (5), 93-106.)(林洋一郎との共著)
  10. The strategic choice model and industrial relations in Japan. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 56 (4), 91-102, 2005.
  11. フリーター・ニートからの脱却 ―ヤングワークプラザ神戸におけるキャリア・カウンセリングの事例から 大阪経大論集 56 (3) 42-68 2005年. (The case of career counseling at Young Work Plaza Kobe. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 56 (3), 42-68.)(大里大助との共著)
  12. 若年者の労働問題とキャリア・カウンセリング 大阪経大論集 56 (2) 191-207 2005年. (The role of career counseling for young adults. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 56 (2), 101-207.)(大里大助との共著)
  13. Contextual leader behavior: Proposal of a new construct. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 56 (1), 81-91. 2005年
  14. A preliminary investigation of the cognitive process of Japanese undergraduate job seekers. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 55 (2), 123-136. 2004年
  15. Toward a dynamic model of person-environment fit. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 55 (1), 177-190. 2004年
  16. Person-organization fit and person-job fit in employee selection: A review of the literature. Osaka Keidai Ronshu, 54 (6), 179-196. 2004年
  1. Quest for employees’ work-life balance: Relocation of headquarters from Tokyo to a remote island: The Case of Pasona Group Inc. In L. C. Christiansen , M. Biron, P. Budhwar, & B. Harney (eds.), The global human resource management casebook, Routledge, forthcoming (with A. Ebisuya & G. P. Hettiarachchi).
  2. Performance Management in Japan. In A. Varma, P. Budhwar, & A. DeNisi (Eds.), Performance management systems: A global perspective (2nd ed). Global HRM Series, London: Routledge, forthcoming (with A. Kagami & A. Ebisuya).
  3. ジョブ・クラフティングの先行要因とその効果:日本のデータを用いた再現性の検討 高尾義明・森永雄太(編著)『ジョブクラフティング』白桃書房 2023 (with 細見正樹)
  4. 個人ー組織適合研究の発展に日本の研究者がどのように貢献できるか 『組織論レビューIII』白桃書房, 2022年
  5. Person-environment fit from an organizational psychology perspective. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology, 2021 (with Y. Yang).
  6. Job embeddedness and the psychological contract of the future. In M. Coetzee, & A. Deas (Eds.) Redefining the psychological contract in the digital era. Springer Nature, 2021 (with B. Holtom, B., K. Kiazad & J. Qin).
  7. Organizational stress in contemporary Japan. In K. Sharma, C. Cooper & D.M. Pestonjee (Eds.). Organizational stress around the world: Research and practice, Routledge, 2021 (with T. Ohira & T. Fujimoto).
  8. Mentoring in Japan: A systematic review and conceptual model. In P. Kumar & P. Budhwar (Eds.), Mentorship-driven talent management: The Asian experience (forthcoming), Emerald Publishing, 2020 (with .M. Hosomi & F. J. Froese).
  9. 認知と感情 原田順子・若林直樹(編著)『新時代の組織経営と働き方』放送大学教育振興会, 2020年
  10. リーダーシップ 原田順子・若林直樹(編著)『新時代の組織経営と働き方』放送大学教育振興会, 2020年
  11. 国際化と人的資源管理 原田順子・若林直樹(編著)『新時代の組織経営と働き方』放送大学教育振興会, 2020年
  12. Human resource management in Japan and South Korea. In F. L. Cooke & S. Kim (Eds.), Routledge handbook of human resource management in Asia. Routledge, 2017 (with F. J. Froese, & M. P. Maharjan)
  13. Updated perspectives on the international legal environment for selection (with authors from 21 countries). In J. L. Farr & Tippins, N. T. (Eds.), Handbook of employee selection, 2nd edition. Psychology Press (pp. 659-677), 2017.
  14. Exploring the relationship between job embeddedness and organizational citizenship behavior. In P. M. Podsakoff, S. B. MacKenzie & N. P. Podsakoff (Eds.), Oxford handbook of organizational citizenship behavior. Oxford University Press, 2016 (with B. Holtom).
  15. 合理性の陥穽と組織 経営行動科学学会編『経営行動科学ハンドブック』(pp. 141-146), 中央経済社, 2011年 (ISBN978-4-502-68750-1)
  16. Strategic human resource management research in the Japanese context: Unique opportunities for theory advancement (with N. Takeuchi & T. Takeuchi). In R. Bebenroth & T. Kanai (Eds.), Challenges of human resource management in Japan (pp. 133-153). Routledge, 2010 (ISBN978-0415582605).
  17. Perspectives from twenty-two countries on the legal environment for selection (with authors from 21 countries). In J. L. Farr & Tippins, N. T. (Eds.), Handbook of employee selection. Psychology Press (pp. 651-676), 2010 (ISBN978-0805864373).
  18. 感情と組織行動 産業組織心理学会編『産業・組織心理学ハンドブック』, pp. 160-163, 丸善書店 2009年 (ISBN978-4-621-08118-1)
  19. Collective justice perceptions in group-oriented cultures: Proposal of a new construct. In Y. Hoshino (Ed.), Selected papers commemorating the 10th anniversary of the JAAS (Japanese Association of Administrative Science)(pp.91-103), Evergreen Publishing (ISBN978-1-921473-95-1), 2008(with Yoichiro Hayashi).
  20. The usefulness of the flow construct in management practice: A conceptual analysis. In Y. Hoshino (Ed.), Selected papers commemorating the 10th anniversary of the JAAS (Japanese Association of Administrative Science)(pp. 255-267), Evergreen Publishing (ISBN978-1-921473-95-1), 2008.
  21. How do people cope with the flow of phenomena? A qualitative study and model development. In Y. Hoshino (Ed.), Selected papers commemorating the 10th anniversary of the JAAS (Japanese Association of Administrative Science)(pp. 151-160), Evergreen Publishing (ISBN978-1-921473-95-1), 2008.
  22. 「ガバナンス経営とは何か」小林敏男編 『ガバナンス経営「守りすなわち攻め」の体制とは』第1章 (pp.15-41), PHP研究所 (ISBN978-4569658988) 2006年
  23. To influence or adjust: A dynamic model of person-group fit (with Chad Higgins). In L.L. Neider & C.A. Schriesheim (Eds.), Research in Management, Vol. 5. Power and Influence in Organizations: New Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives (pp. 129-154). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing (ISBN978-1593114695). 2006.
  24. 株式会社ミスミ -金型商社による卸ネットワーク- 浅田孝幸編著『経営情報ネットワークの理論と実際』第二部第3章 (pp. 95-110) 東京経済情報出版 (ISBN4-88709-064-1) 1997年 (塘誠との共著)
  25. 株式会社オークネット 浅田孝幸編著『情報ネットワークによる経営革新』第2章 (pp. 45-62) 中央経済社 (ISBN4-502-32643-7) 1994年 (保見明博との共著)
  1. これからの時代に必要なのは「両立思考」と「パラドキシカル・リーダーシップ」である(前編)(後編)
  2. 二者択一ではなく、両立を実践する経営学のパラドックス研究──両利きの経営における意思決定の秘訣とは? (前編)(後編)
  3. 二者択一の思考から脱却する「パラドックス・マインドセット」とは『Learning Design』2024年1-2月号 26-29
  4. 次世代の組織マネジメント~AI主導の業務管理は実現するのか?~ 「マイナビ キャリアリサーチLab」2024年1月 (前編)(後編)
  5. この時代に求められるのは矛盾するリーダー!?世界で数々の賞を受賞した書籍『両立思考』から学ぶパラドキシカル・リーダーシップ, alue insight, 2023, アルー株式会社 (Vol. 1) (Vol. 2) (Vol. 3)
  6. 『両立思考』の解説全文, alue insight, 2023, アルー株式会社 (前編) (後編)
  7. パラドキシカル・リーダーシップ養成講座 第1回目レポート, alue insight, 2023, アルー株式会社
  8. 中小企業が海外で戦っていくために、どのような人材育成をすべきか?『OSAKA 中小企業家』大阪府中小企業家同友会
  9. パラドキシカル・リーダーシップ 産学共同講座 設立記念シンポジウム 「パラドキシカル・リーダーシップとは何か, alue insight, 2023, アルー株式会社 (前編) (後編)
  10. 経営の本質はトレードオフパラドックスか 『KPC News』No. 498, 2023, 関西生産性本部
  11. 日本企業の継続的な成長を目指した事業ポートフォリオ変革シリーズ 独立行政法人経済産業研究所
  12. 経営学の新潮流 矛盾を両立するパラドキシカル・リーダーシップとは 『Alue Insight vol.8: 気になる階層別研修のこれから~今こそ考える「育成の哲学」』アルー株式会社
  13. 일본, 부업 활성화해 구조적 노동 인력 부족 해결해야 Chosun Biz
  14. 日本の企業組織の国際化はどこまで可能か『こころの未来』2021年10月号
  15. 経営理念を海外拠点に浸透させる:海外拠点人材の受入出向を通じた施策のポイント『海外投融資』2021年7月号
  16. ダイバーシティ・マネジメントと国際人的資源管理:理論から実践へ 『マネジメントトレンド』Vol.23, 2018
  17. JAAS 年次大会における研究能力強化セッションの試み.『経営行動科学』, 30(3), 167-184, 2018
  18. 海外主要ジャーナル掲載論文の解剖学―組織行動領域の実証研究に何が求められているのか?―
  19. Selected papers from the Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS), Japanese Journal of Administrative Science, 29(2_3), 115-138.
  20. Language and international human resource management.『経営行動科学』, 28(2), 139-149, 2015.
  21. 視点・インタビュー 学ぶ意識を持てば、アルバイトは成長する一つのチャンスになる 「学研・進学情報」2014.10, 2-5, 学習研究社
  22. <研究者の視点から>アルバイトに使う時間を価値あるものへ 『IKUEI NEWS』Vol. 65, 9-10, 電通育英会.
  23. 組織が直面する「人的資源」の課題探求 経営研究の底上げ、日本発で図る 阪大ニューズレター No.62, 15, 大阪大学
  24. パネルディスカッション報告「不機嫌な職場を救済する感情マネジメント」『経営行動科学』22, 67-85, 2009
  • The role of person-organization fit and person-job fit in managers' hiring decisions: The effects of work status and occupational characteristics of job openings. Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington


