

Most viewed articles
Most viewed articles are the full-text articles from this journal that have been accessed most frequently within the last 90 days. The collection of most viewed articles below is updated weekly.
1. Strategic Interests of ASEAN-5 in Regional Trading Arrangements in the Asia-Pacific
Tan, K.-Y., Park, I.
Published Print: December 1999
2. The Evolution and Restructuring of Diversified Business Groups in Emerging Markets: The Lessons from Chaebols in Korea
Kim, H., Hoskisson, R.E.
Published Print: March 2004
3. Dragon multinationals: New players in 21st century globalization
Mathews, J.
Published Print: March 2006
4. How organizations promote person-environment fit: using the case of japanese firms to illustrate institutional and cultural influences
Sekiguchi, T.
Published Print: March 2006
5. Managerial Values Across Cultures: Australia, Hong Kong and the United States
Westwood, R.I., Posner, B.Z.
Published Print: April 1997