Working papers to be submitted to journals shortly
- Sekiguchi & Huber. Work status, job type and fit in hiring decisions.
- Sekiguchi & Higgins. A dynamic model of person-group fit.
Papers to be written and submitted to conferences
- Sekiguchi. Employment interviews: a contingency approach.
- Hayashi & Sekiguchi. Collective justice.
Papers to be published in the Journal of OUE
- Sekiguchi. The role of theory-in-use.
- Sekiguchi. Literature review of contingent work.
- Hayashi & Sekiguchi. Organizational justice.
Research projects about to start
- A corporate governance study (with Bebenroth)
- Strategic HRM study (with Takeuchi)
Possible research projects to join
- Emotional diversity study (with Huber & Fong)
- Intl. negotiation study (with Huber)
Other papers to be submitted to the journals
- Burton, Sablynski & Sekiguchi. Justice, LMX and performance/OCBs. J of Managerial Issues.
- Higgins, Harman, Sekiguchi, Esseln. Applicant attraction. J of Vocational Behavior.