
単著の英語論文が、Asia Pacific Journal of Managementに、手直しのうえ、掲載されることが決まりました。この論文は、はじめての単著の査読つき英語論文で、指導教員のいる博士論文や共著の論文と違って、最初から最後まで自分ひとりでやってきたため、達成感があります。手直しは、タイトルの変更を含め、主に英語をブラッシュアップするという内容で、これもネイティブとの共著であれば問題ないのですが、単著なので私一人で対処せねばなりません。

How do organizations promote person-environment fit? The Japanese case and future research agenda

Despite the growing body of research on person-environment (P-E) fit in the management field, the majority of studies have been conducted in the Western context, and little is known about how organizations promote P-E fit through various management practices. In this paper, I illustrate the way Japanese organizations manage various types of P-E fit including person-organization (P-O) fit, person-group (P-G) fit, and person-job (P-J) fit through their human resource practices. I also develop conceptual models in which promoting P-E fit in Japanese firms is contrasted with that of U.S. firms. The illustration of Japanese case and the comparison of conceptual models suggest that the institutional and cultural contexts affect the way organizations promote P-E fit. Future research agenda for deeper understanding of the P-E fit management especially in the Asia-Pacific region are discussed.